The traditional counselling in-clinic still has a place for many clients, but it is important to provide an alternative therapy and benefits such as walk and talk counselling. Walk and talk therapy is a form of talking therapy that takes the traditional counselling session outside whilst conducting the counselling session.

This very different practice of engaging with people is beneficial for those who do not have the opportunity to get out into nature very often and can be productive for those who feel they can thrive better when they do. The therapy is especially helpful as it can help shift current perceptions and feelings of being ‘stuck’ particularly for people who find it difficult to discuss their feelings as the process of walking outside can use nature as a metaphorical expression of emotions.

I like to provide this alternative walking talking therapy because having therapeutic conversations with clients outdoors, either while walking, sitting on a park bench or experiencing a mixture of both, connects a completely different and positive dynamic to the therapy experience.

The Christopher Jeffrey Therapy Clinic

The benefits of experiencing outdoor counselling are

  • It is a good alternative for those who may feel a little anxious or claustrophobic in the environment of a one-on-one session in a room.
  • Working therapeutically outdoors can help with feelings of being “stuck” as being outdoors is a physically more relaxing experience for our bodies. When we move our bodies and shift our environment, this allows our minds to be freer and open up; which can allow us to think differently about aspects of our lives that have seemed impossible to change previously.
  • It is beneficial for your well-being, physical and mental health as being outside releases endorphins and is generally mood-enhancing. The rewards can support health issues of weight loss, lower blood pressure, boost immunity, speed up digestion and improve heart health.
  • Walking together side by side also means a sense of equality and connection for the therapeutic alliance between client and counsellor as well as making for many people the often hugely valuable silences in therapy much easier to experience.
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